Day Supports
(We are currently not accepting new participants.)
Total Care Services, Inc. provides Day Supports to persons with disabilities through our Jappalé Day program. Jappalé, pronounced ja-pa-lay, means "to support." TCS' Jappalé Day program is dedicated to community integration, inclusion, and employment opportunities. Our Day Supports include:
- Day Habilitation
- Supported Employment
- Employment Readiness
- Individualized Day Supports
The Jappalé Philosophy:
- Integration: All people, regardless of their disabilities, are entitled to full integration into community life.
- Support and Empower: People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are supported and empowered to live, learn, work and participate in community activities, in the least restrictive community settings.
- Exercise Choices and Control: People with disabilities have an opportunity to exercise control over their services and the resources to obtain services.
- Find Meaningful Work or Employment: People receive training and employment opportunities, including recreational and social activities that will improve the quality of their lives.
- Culturally Sensitive Approach: Services and supports are provided in a culturally sensitive manner.
Day Habilitation
TCS' Day Habilitation services aim to help you develop a full life in the community. Our services are designed to support or further integrate community activities into your life. We deliver day habilitation services in line with your Individual Support Plan (ISP), Plan of Care, and recommendations from your support team.
Day Habilitation services will help you gain new skills and develop meaningful activities outside of your home to:
- improve communication skills
- improve or maintain physical, occupational and/or speech and language functional skills
- build your independence, self-determination, self-advocacy, and autonomy
- build and maintain relationships
- explore employment and/or integrated retirement opportunities
- achieve valued social roles
- foster community integration, inclusion, and exploration
Individualized Day Supports
Want to build your skills and independence so you can become more engaged in your community? Individualized Day Supports may be a fit for you.
What are Individualized Day Supports?
Individualized Day Supports enhance and maintain your integration in the community. This service targets skills necessary for independence and community involvement outside the home.
How can Individualized Day Supports benefit you?
Individualized Day Supports are designed to be habilitative, or teaching. They teach you skills that support community participation, involvement and self-determination.
How are Individualized Day Supports delivered at TCS?
Individualized Day Supports are highly personalized with a ratio of 1 staff to 1 or 2 persons served. They are based on your assessed needs and personally chosen goals. They include pre-planned activities and opportunities that take place in the community. These settings are both inclusive and integrated.