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How can Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) help me?

Help at home so you can maintain health, safety, and independence

Resources, services, and activities to connect you to the community

Training, coaching and support to promote meaningful work or employment
One Mission, Two Ways
Our mission is helping other's meet life's challenges. Total Care Services, Inc. supports people of all ages in making choices that promote independence, integration, and personal satisfaction. We provide direct support through home and community-based services (HCBS) in the District of Columbia. In Maryland, we provide care coordination services.

What We Offer
Total Care Services, Inc. provides Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) to people of any age who qualify. We offer many different supports - each designed to help you, or a loved one, live your best life. Discover which of our services is right for you.
Eligibility for Services
District of Columbia
Eligibility for Services
Find out how to apply for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in the District of Columbia.
Residential Supports
District of Columbia
Residential Supports
Be part of your community with a range of supports provided in a place you can call home.
In-Home Supports
District of Columbia
In-Home Supports
Live a safe, healthy, and independent life with supports at home and in the community.
Day Supports
District of Columbia
Day Supports
Connect and explore with opportunities for community integration, inclusion, & employment.
Employment Supports
District of Columbia
Employment Supports
Supports and training to help you prepare for, find, & maintain competitive, integrated employment.
Clinical Supports
District of Columbia
Clinical Supports
Experience greater health, safety, and independence with therapy, counseling, and behavior supports.
Companion Services
District of Columbia
Companion Services
Achieve your goals with non-medical support and supervision at home & in the community.
Respite Services
District of Columbia
Coordination of Community Services
Maryland - CCS
Coordination of Community Services
Help people with IDD and their families learn about and gain access to resources, services, & supports in the community.
Supports Planning
Maryland - Supports Planning
Supports Planning
Help people with complex medical, behavioral health needs, & disabilities plan for and receive Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).
Transitioning Youth Services
Maryland - CCS
Transitioning Youth Services
Help youth with IDD and their families navigate the transition from school-based supports to adult supports and services.
Eligibility for Long Term Services & Support
Maryland - Supports Planning
Eligibility for Long Term Services & Support
Find out how to apply for Long Term Services & Supports in Maryland.

Eligibility for DDA Services
Maryland - CCS
Eligibility for DDA Services
Find out how to apply for Home and Community Based DDA Waiver Services in Maryland.
Comprehensive Assessments (CA)
Maryland - CCS
Comprehensive Assessments (CA)
Just getting started? A CA is part of the eligibility determination process for DDA Waiver Services.

Following up and following through…
the year we began providing services as a nonprofit organization - proud to be helping families across Maryland & DC for 20 years!
dedicated Direct Support Professionals helping to make a difference in the lives of DC residents with intellectual & developmental disabilities
talented people across our organization working to help others meet life’s challenges
incredible people served by our Supports Planning program in Maryland
the year we started providing Targeted Case Management services in Maryland
Making an Impact in Our Communities

Together, we can do more.
With the help and support of people like you, we can make a difference. Share your story, donate, join our team, or volunteer today.
Aging in place is important to Rose, an older adult who needs help to keep living on her own. Learn how TCS can help Rose stay independent, healthy, and safe at home and in the community.