Eligibility for DC Services

Total Care Services, Inc. has been serving residents of the District of Columbia since 2003. Our DC services and supports help people with disabilities of all ages. Our aim is to empower you to live the life you want - at home, in the community, and at work. We provide home and community-based supports and services through the Department on Disability Services (DDS), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). We also provide respite services through Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN).

Each entity has it's own process to determine your eligibility and for you to apply for services. Let's take a closer look.

Department on Disability Services (DDS), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)

What is DDS/DDA?

The Developmental Disabilities Administration or DDA is an administration under the Department on Disability Services (DDS). DDS/DDA ensures that DC residents with intellectual disabilities receive the services and supports they need to lead self-determined and valued lives in the community. As a DDS/DDA provider, TCS offers a variety of residential, clinical, day, employment, and assistive services and supports.

Who is eligible?

To qualify for DDS/DDA services, you will need to meet certain eligibility requirements. You will be asked to submit supporting documentation for each of these requirements:

  • Proof of District Residency: Examples of acceptable proof include current lease agreement, current utility bill, social security statement with your address listed. Note: Cell phone or telephone bills will not be accepted.
  • An intellectual disability indicated by an IQ score of 69 or below, diagnosed before the age of 18 years, including impairments in cognitive and adaptive functioning that continue into adulthood
  • Concurrent deficits in at least two areas of adaptive functioning

How do you apply?

Applying for services with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDS/DDA) starts with their Intake and Eligibility Determination Unit (IEDU). The IEDU will partner with you to assess your eligibility for services and support you through the application process. You can also visit dds.dc.gov to learn more.

Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)

What is the RSA?

The Rehabilitation Services Administration or RSA is an administration under the Department on Disability Services (DDS). The DDS/RSA promotes employment to ensure that persons with disabilities in DC achieve a greater quality of life. TCS offers Vocational Rehabilitation through  DDS/RSA. These customized services aim to help you prepare for employment, find a job, and keep a job.

Who is eligible?

To qualify for RSA's Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services, you need to:

  • have a physical or mental impairment that is a substantial impediment to employment
  • be able to benefit from VR services for your employment
  • need VR services to prepare for, enter, engage in, or retain employment.

Priority is given to those individuals who have the most significant disabilities.

How do you apply?

If you are interested in receiving services from the RSA, you will need to complete an application. The application process is the first step in becoming eligible for services and meeting your employment goal. You can also visit dds.dc.gov to learn more. Here are the steps to apply for services:

Step 1:
Complete and submit an RSA Application Form.

Step 2:
An assigned Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS) will confirm your eligibility for services.

Step 3:
If you are eligible for services, your VRS will help you develop an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).

Step 4:
Informed Choice is an important part of creating your IPE. It means you have the right to make choices about the employment outcome you want. You can also make choices about what services you receive to reach your goal and how and when you receive them.

Step 5:
The RSA will conduct a financial needs assessment. For some vocational rehabilitation services, this assessment will help determine the amount covered.

Contact Information for DDS/DDA and RSA:

Phone: (202) 730-1700
TTY: (202) 730-1516
Fax: (202) 730-1843

For DDS/DDA: dds-dda.intake@dc.gov
For DDS/RSA: dds@dc.gov

250 E Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:15 am - 4:45pm.

The nearest metro station is Federal Center SW. Limited street parking and several parking garages are nearby.

Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN)

What is HSCSN?

Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN) is the contracted health care plan provider for the District of Columbia’s Child and Adolescent Supplemental Security Income Program (CASSIP). HSCSN serves children and young adults up to age 26 with complex health care needs who live in Washington, DC and receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). TCS offers Respite services through HSCSN.

Who is eligible?

HSCSN is the contracted health care plan provider for the District of Columbia’s Child and Adolescent Supplemental Security Income Program (CASSIP). To be a CASSIP Eligible Enrollee, you or your child must receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits or have an SSI related disability.

You may choose to enroll in HSCSN if you are:

  • Under 26 years of age
  • Washington, D.C. resident
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits or have an SSI-related disability

If you would like to learn more about enrolling in HSCSN, please visit https://hscsnhealthplan.org/ or contact an HSCSN Enrollment Analyst at (202) 580-6485 or 1 (866)-937-4549.