Meet David
David is a 58-year-old man with an intellectual disability and other chronic medical conditions. He has been a DC resident his whole life. David receives home and community-based services (HCBS) through the 1915 (c) HCBS Medicaid Waiver. When David was thirty-five, his mother passed away and he transitioned into a supported living environment, where he shares an apartment with one roommate who also receives services. We provide supports and training to David to help him with daily activities, like bathing, grooming, meal preparation, and housekeeping. Last year, David had surgery for glaucoma and now wears eyeglasses. He also got a hearing aid after he noticed trouble with hearing from his right ear. This adaptive equipment helps David participate in activities and carry out daily tasks. TCS also provides Behavioral Supports to help David manage his bipolar disorder. Three times a week, David attends the Day Program. He especially enjoys going when they are working on art projects. Since David does not work, he also receives support with managing his finances.
What’s important:
• David likes meeting new people. As a lifelong DC resident, staying active and involved in the community is important to him.
• David participates in a Day Program, which he enjoys attending. He does not like to miss it.
• David likes to receive his personal funds on time. He likes to use the money to buy things and enjoy himself in the community.
• David enjoys painting and will often attend art classes at the local community center.
• David loves to spend time with his brother and his brother’s family whenever he can. His brother will pick him up so David can join them for holidays and birthdays.
Circle of support:
• David has a younger brother who lives locally but works full-time.
• David has a roommate who receives services from TCS as well.
• David has built a natural support system of friends through his involvement in activities over the years.
Health History:
• Intellectual Disability
• Chronic Kidney Disease
• GERD (Acid Reflux)
• Hearing loss in the right ear
• Glaucoma
• Bipolar Disorder
Goals & challenges:
• David needs help with daily activities, like bathing, dressing, meal preparation, and housekeeping.
• Due to his bipolar disorder, David experiences fluctuations in his mood. At times, he can become verbally aggressive.
• Due to his visual and hearing impairments, David needs transportation and support to attend appointments and to participate in activities in the community.
• David’s limited financial resources make it challenging for him to be actively involved in activities in the community that require money.
• Sometimes David does not want to go to his medical appointments. As a result, following up on missed medical appointments is a constant challenge.
• David likes to eat what he wants to eat and will spend his money on food that is not healthy for him. This makes it difficult for David to stick to his dietary plan.
How we help:
TCS’ Supported Living services help David stay healthy and safe while promoting his independence and choices. Our residential services focus on assisting, educating, connecting, and empowering David to live a full life in the community. David’s TCS support team includes his Direct Support Professional, Home Coordinator, Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional, our Clinical Supports team, and Day Supports team.
At home and in the community, David’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) will:
• Assist David with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, and grocery shopping. David’s DSP also helps him learn how to perform more of these tasks on his own over time.
• Accompany David to medical appointments and activities in the community.
• Identify activities in the community that would be of interest to David – helping him connect or supporting him to participate.
• Assist David with managing his finances and help him find free or low-cost events and activities to cut down on money needed for social engagement.
• Provide transportation assistance to help David get to/from events and activities in the community and stay for support as needed.
David’s Home Coordinator supervises TCS staff in the home where he lives and is the first point of contact for any concerns. The Home Coordinator will:
• Make sure that transportation is set up for appointments, activities in the community, and Day Program.
• Work with David to make his grocery list in keeping with his nutritional goals
David’s Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) acts as a case manager for David and his roommates. The QIDP will.
• Support David in setting and reaching goals in his ISP.
• Complete a quarterly report for David’s family and support team to update them on David’s progress towards his goals and his medical status.
• Coordinate meetings and complete any administrative paperwork.
Our Day Supports team assists with David’s participation in our Day Program, Jappalé. The Day Supports team will:
• Organize activities and events that are community-based and support David’s interests
• If David decides he would like to pursue employment, Day Supports can assist with identifying employment supports to help him reach his goal.
Our Clinical Supports team provides oversight to ensure continuity of care and effective service provision for David. They will:
• Collaborate with David’s nutritionist to oversee his diet and nutritional needs
• Collaborate with David’s psychiatrist to manage his medications and oversee the behavioral supports David needs to manage his bipolar disorder.
• Oversee the administration of David’s medications.
• Oversee adaptive equipment needs in coordination with David’s Home Coordinator and QIDP
Learn more about our Residential Supports here.