VIRTUAL 12th Annual Parent Empowerment Conference and Resource Fair (See Schedule for Sessions)
Join the Prince George's County Public School System (PGCPS) for their 12th Annual Parent Empowerment Conference and Resource Fair. This virtual conference is FREE and available to anyone who registers,…
WEBINAR: “Tech Tuesdays” Lunch and Learn Series with MDH/DDA Technology First Task Force
The Maryland Department of Health – Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) Technology First Task Force is excited to invite you to their first-ever monthly DDA “Tech Tuesday’s” lunch and learn series leading…
WEBINAR: Updates to the Maryland ABLE Program
Updates to the Maryland ABLE Program Maryland ABLE invites you to join Maryland ABLE Director, Bette Ann Mobley, as she provides an overview of important updates to the Maryland ABLE…
WEBINAR: Visiting with Your Coordinator of Community Services – In-Person Monitoring (hosted by MD Community of Practice for Supporting Families)
Maryland Community of Practice for Supporting Families Webinar Please join the DDA and the Maryland Community of Practice for Supporting Families for its monthly webinar series. This month's Topic: Visiting with Your Coordinator of Community Services: In-Person…
Memorial Day – Remember & Honor
Our office is closed in observance of Memorial Day. On this day, we remember and honor the service members and their families who have sacrificed to protect the freedom we enjoy.
Juneteenth National Independence Day
On June 19, 1865, Union forces landed in Galveston, TX and informed the populace that the Civil War had ended and that those enslaved were free. In commemoration of this…
Webinar: National Pathways to Transition with Autism Speaks
What comes next for your autistic child after high school? Whether it’s a job, post-secondary education, a day habilitation program, or living outside of the family home, planning for the…
WEBINAR: “Tech Tuesdays” Lunch and Learn Series with MDH/DDA Technology First Task Force
The Maryland Department of Health – Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) Technology First Task Force is excited to invite you to their first-ever monthly DDA “Tech Tuesday’s” lunch and learn series leading…
Happy Independence Day!
Our office is closed in observance of Independence Day. We wish all our friends and family a safe and happy 4th of July!
In-Person Event: Join us at the Department on Disability Services Provider Fair in DC!
Brought to you by the Government of the District of Columbia's Department on Disability Services, the DDS Provider Fair offers District residents with disabilities and their families opportunities to engage…
In-Person Event: Healthy Sleep Habits for Caregivers and Their Loved One’s Workshop
FREE Workshop: Healthy Sleep Habits for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones Brought to you by Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities’ Family Caregiver Support Program, in partnership with Carroll…
WEBINAR: “Tech Tuesdays” Lunch and Learn Series with MDH/DDA Technology First Task Force
The Maryland Department of Health – Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) Technology First Task Force is excited to invite you to their first-ever monthly DDA “Tech Tuesday’s” lunch and learn series leading…